*Cries* This would be my last blog entry for this blog, for a week....hope you like my medium rare humor...lol......comment on my last three......my blog starves for your comments...Don't feed my blog, you might find yourself in a dark, cold, moisty stomach, about to digest you....
And also check out my other blog), because you know, it's hungry also! Feed it with comments!!!
About the Article: Where Do I Go with Speech and Debate...(To the Bank! hey that ryhmes!)
If you can lie, argue, and keep people's attention with your dramatic features, do I have a job for you!
Speech and Debate, have so many jobs you can do, like being a blood sucking-tic at Washington, D.C., or being able to say "to be or not to be! that is the question" on a video camera with a straight face, or even hiding in a podium, feeding a blood-sucking creature his speech....lol
Here's the jobs:
*Government, (recommend if you like lying and being a blood-sucking-tic)
*Acting, (recommend for those who can hold their breath and laughter for more than a day)
*Sales, (being able to bribe someone into buying something they really don't need, also refer as a blood-sucker)
*Broadcasting, (recommended for the ones who like being tackled by athletes, and doesn't mumble through the mic)
*Law, (also know as lying on the job, which only blood-sucking creatures can do)
*Speechwriting, (Best way to write the greatest speech ever, is to look on the internet and go to cheathouse.com)
*Counseling, (Lie, and don't listen, and only sentence you need to keep on saying, 'how does that feel?')
...........and there's also a whole heck alot more, which my fingers are giving up on me....but only thing to know, find a blood-sucking creature, get bitten, then you can get almost any job with speech or debate, Ciao!
Signing Off:
-E.Ville is off to go hibernate for the next week or so...........XXXxxxxXXX......wait I mean....ZZzzZZZzZZZZzzzzzZZZZZ
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