Songs from the tortured Soul on the Railroad Tracks

For awhile, I haven't been interested in writing in this blog, Why? because, I have a lot of stuff on my mind,(see my other blog to see what's dancing sugar plums, have done to my head) Yup, if you did read it.......I'm messed up.............I can go on and on, about it....but I have to finish this blog entry with.....

The Article title: Working on the Railroad

So since I read it, it's about if you are interested in a job as a railroad job thingy. Benefits: 75-90 % you get cheap meds and can get that ugly cavity off your teeth, average salary of %62, 128$75, 162.......the consequences: You can DIE from a slow-dying agony of running off the track...into the cold murky water, OR if you get motion-sickness, I cleary suggest you to stop reading, and find a different job to try.......hey, why not try to be a blood donor......??? I should look into that later....

Required Skills:
* Responsibility, (Guess that means I'm already not for this job *downhearted* I wanted to go Cho-Cho)
* Working with the Public, (OMG! for reals!)
* Make sure everyone is safely riding, (What!, no playing hide-in-seek)
* Being able to hit the go and stop button, (Was the green button stop, and the red button go?)
*Being a multi-tasker, (so you can read the latest gossip on the internet, yelling at a retarded kid to stop hiding in the cabinets, *sheesh...that game was over like 5 hours ago*, throwing tickets at the window, and trying to find that big red button, that will be the doom of us all.....self-destruction button)

*Shiny stuff, like electronices
*Math,(only thing you need to know is that 2+2=fish, see that simple :) )
*Working with money, (yay! now run away with it!)

Okay I'm tired now, Signing off:

X to the O

-E.Ville always say find a lead, follow it to the end of the line.......and make sure to squash all the little bugs, who think there in the lead....