The Thought That Didn't Count/You Get an F, (For Fabulous)/Attention Insane M(e or a)th Fanatics!

OMG! How I miss you blog! Now that I look at it...............Why are you guys not commenting on how super cool I am?? *Tear* Oh well...I have to move on.....*Sniffles* I have a I'm not that super-hyper today............*Tear*

About the Article: It's the Thought That Counts*Sea Monkey!*

Gifts for the boss, and coworkers..........A holiday for most,( who actually got on the nice naughty list for so long) and also a way of saying 'I like you' or 'I hate you. After reading some of the items, people gave......they must be like me:

*A Life Jacket (meaning: I want to keep you alive)
* Frozen Potatoes (meaning: You are so cold......wait I mean cool!)
* a used, dirty vase (meaning: clean this and your face)
* SEE Monkey! (meaning: I really really like you! awwww...*heart*)
* A goat (meaning: you're shmart, and not a sheep*coughs*Gerald*coughs* +D )

About the Article: A Pass on Grades*Waves Goodbye*

At a number of colleges, there actually getting written evaluations of their performance. Hmm...I thought it was actually, goodbye! Is it suppose to be some kind of one-to-one relationship between the professor and students.......(sounds like a romance novel...) I think it's kind of great, since you wouldn't have to worry about your grade point average, (and hearing that if a person has a grade higher than you, their better than you, like some people I know).

About the Article: Actually, I'm an Actuary*Don't Laugh, It's True!*

Attention all Math Geeks, do you want a career that lets you predict the future?

Call right now to: 1-800-MathGeeks-Ruling-The-World

Well yeah, anyways, there's a person who is called an, Actuary, (meaning: like it matters), who can evaluate risks? ***Maybe I need One*** They determine the financial consequences of future events. I think I should be one, (and run this country down to destruction). You need like a stong math background, and have no attention span. Since you sit in a room, and hit your head to the desk, about 100 times a day, on average. But one good thing about this job, more that 80,000-for the average annual salary...

Signing Off:

-You Know You Love Me

There's no-one else like E.ville

To Be a Yeller or To be not a Opera Singer, That is the Question....

*Cries* This would be my last blog entry for this blog, for a week....hope you like my medium rare on my last blog starves for your comments...Don't feed my blog, you might find yourself in a dark, cold, moisty stomach, about to digest you....

And also check out my other blog), because you know, it's hungry also! Feed it with comments!!!

About the Article: Where Do I Go with Speech and Debate...(To the Bank! hey that ryhmes!)

If you can lie, argue, and keep people's attention with your dramatic features, do I have a job for you!

Speech and Debate, have so many jobs you can do, like being a blood sucking-tic at Washington, D.C., or being able to say "to be or not to be! that is the question" on a video camera with a straight face, or even hiding in a podium, feeding a blood-sucking creature his

Here's the jobs:

*Government, (recommend if you like lying and being a blood-sucking-tic)

*Acting, (recommend for those who can hold their breath and laughter for more than a day)

*Sales, (being able to bribe someone into buying something they really don't need, also refer as a blood-sucker)

*Broadcasting, (recommended for the ones who like being tackled by athletes, and doesn't mumble through the mic)

*Law, (also know as lying on the job, which only blood-sucking creatures can do)

*Speechwriting, (Best way to write the greatest speech ever, is to look on the internet and go to

*Counseling, (Lie, and don't listen, and only sentence you need to keep on saying, 'how does that feel?')

...........and there's also a whole heck alot more, which my fingers are giving up on me....but only thing to know, find a blood-sucking creature, get bitten, then you can get almost any job with speech or debate, Ciao!

Signing Off:


-E.Ville is off to go hibernate for the next week or so...........XXXxxxxXXX......wait I mean....ZZzzZZZzZZZZzzzzzZZZZZ

Be the Boss, (so then you can fire yourself)

Yay! I'm starting to write again! bad after this blog and the next one....i won't be blogging on this blog for a week, (but look at my other blog, and see what goes in and goes out of my little big mind)

About the Article: Setting her Sites (for Sore Eyes)

Robin Liss, has recently fired herself, since she's the boss of her own internet site: I think is like very retarded.......(You know what, I think I'll fire myself off Paris! Yes!) Well anyway Miss Liss, started creating her own websites since she was 12 *coughs*geek*coughs*. She also likes making clamation videos with her gome camcorder.......awww Robin, we also love watching you film yourself, sounds like an emo*coughs*Candra*coughs*...*rolls eyes* She's like the youngest person in the everybody must be old, since she is only 456. I wonder why she is the boss, since she doesn't let her employers, have any freebies from the boss....

Well that's all for this blog, bye folks:

Signing Off:

You Know You Love Me (and Candra, for being the emo stoner she, j/k Candra, don't hurt me!!!)

- E.Ville, wants to Know if you have Hug you Emo Today?? Come, they need to feel the love, so they won't do anything stupid, like kill themselves.......

Songs from the tortured Soul on the Railroad Tracks

For awhile, I haven't been interested in writing in this blog, Why? because, I have a lot of stuff on my mind,(see my other blog to see what's dancing sugar plums, have done to my head) Yup, if you did read it.......I'm messed up.............I can go on and on, about it....but I have to finish this blog entry with.....

The Article title: Working on the Railroad

So since I read it, it's about if you are interested in a job as a railroad job thingy. Benefits: 75-90 % you get cheap meds and can get that ugly cavity off your teeth, average salary of %62, 128$75, 162.......the consequences: You can DIE from a slow-dying agony of running off the track...into the cold murky water, OR if you get motion-sickness, I cleary suggest you to stop reading, and find a different job to try.......hey, why not try to be a blood donor......??? I should look into that later....

Required Skills:
* Responsibility, (Guess that means I'm already not for this job *downhearted* I wanted to go Cho-Cho)
* Working with the Public, (OMG! for reals!)
* Make sure everyone is safely riding, (What!, no playing hide-in-seek)
* Being able to hit the go and stop button, (Was the green button stop, and the red button go?)
*Being a multi-tasker, (so you can read the latest gossip on the internet, yelling at a retarded kid to stop hiding in the cabinets, *sheesh...that game was over like 5 hours ago*, throwing tickets at the window, and trying to find that big red button, that will be the doom of us all.....self-destruction button)

*Shiny stuff, like electronices
*Math,(only thing you need to know is that 2+2=fish, see that simple :) )
*Working with money, (yay! now run away with it!)

Okay I'm tired now, Signing off:

X to the O

-E.Ville always say find a lead, follow it to the end of the line.......and make sure to squash all the little bugs, who think there in the lead....

Three Blogs, Who AreJust Dying To Be Written

Ello' peers that I love so much, that you actually read all the things that are in my mind!
So yeah, haven't written alot, and I'm like 3 blogs, behind pg. 26 so i'm going to try and write a not of it all, kay!

First Blog, Article: Building Pages
my personal title: Keeping it FRESH 24/7

Well, the news we get is so not new, (well except for us) to the people who give us the new news. does that make sense?? Their called: W-E-B P-R-O-D-U-C-E-R-S, (I feel very spelly Yeah it's a great job, if you like staring at a screen all day, and your only friends are people on the internet, j/k... But yeah, I think I want to become a 'tech geek who works 24-7 in a dark, windowless room'........or i can do New York City :) and a average salary of 30,000-90,000, excellent!

Second Blog, Article: Remote Access
my personal title: Proceed With Caution

Ahh...the many reasons why we should become a at home..........and you get to use a have a laptop! people to bother you.......did i mention, the blackberry??? :)

So yes, I know it's kind of weird but "some people" think that this job is not for everyone, like for example, young people...the office is "the place to get their social itch, scratched".........Sounds contagious, So some advice: WORK AT HOME!!

And.......(drum roll please) The Third Blog Entry, Article: E-Learning; The Anytime, Anywhere Option
my Personal title: OMG! WE HAD OPTIONS!!! OMG!

I actually never knew we had the option of going to school virtually.....amazing!......So yeah e-classes fall into two Categories:

* Synchronous classes- allow the instructor and student to see each other at a pre-arranged time and do some chatting in a chat room or a streaming video...sounds sexy............(lol, wish I saw your face right there.......mine was {o_0 OMG!})

* Asynchronous classes-allow you to go to school anytime, anywhere.....even my nocturnal ways won't be

So is e-learning for you??? me, i don't really think so........since it's my friends that I come to school for anyway.........*coughs* and beat T.T.*coughs*..........hmmmmm....I must be catching something......

Yeah I'm sorry I didn't had time to do today's assignments......but I'll think I'll write one yup tonight, using stone paper-if they still make it.......

Signing Off:

You Know You Love 'The Nocturnal Attitude' Me!

-E.Ville feeling a bit depressed.......

P.S. : So Yeah, friends of mine out there.............make me I won't be this sad........

Next Secret Meeting of the Botmaster Ninjas! Underground: Oct. 12

Hey people, guess what, I'M a Hacker, yup I can infest all these computers right now with my awesome cyberness ninja skills! LOL, j/k

About the Article: Protect the Digital Frontier*On the ol' Prairie, y'all*

Cyber Terriosm, its the latest fashion scene these days! I wonder why governments want to keep things secret, why post it on the internet where everybody can like get into it! IT's kind of stupid, you know! That's why I stick to stone tablets for my secrets! LOL......

*The Mighty Mouse-keteers* Yup, i'm one of those cyber bounty-hunters, where i round up the terroist and feel like i'm all buff and mighty...... :). The Call me a might mouse-keteer, where my sword is my mouse, and my business of killing is by my keyboard! Well anyways, there now putting the air force into all this 'protecting the internet', wow! maybe i should do that.....

Hey I just had an idea, instead of wars where everybody gets all bloody up! Why don't we just have cyber wars! that would be better! Get on a message board, and start playing war!!!

I wonder why people are so intimate with their computers, I mean why not just make it apart of the family now! they have Artificial yeah, maybe that we don't know it right now, but maybe these computers are waiting for us to be asleep, and they take over our bodies!


Well, I think I'm very off-subject of the article, it's just that i'm tired and my mind is going......I'm like 167 years old you know! Well...........

Signing Off:


-E.VILLE wishes for along night's rest.......or day rest!, where she can dream of computers downloading information in her head.......ZzzzzZZzzz

No More Ramen or Potatoes: Time for

It feels so strange that you can get like anything these days on the internet. Strange, strange, strange.....So yeah, loved the comments, and keep sending them in! :)

About the Article: Net' Working

The best
way to get a job is networking, it's absolutely true if it's black and white ink, and we're reading about it. (F.Y.I: Don't believe everything these days.....)

*Myspace, that's what I need to clean up! It's all messed up saying: that I do smokin' with my homies~ LoL!
I don't do that kay people, because I'm just cool like that and I don't want to die early! Well some advice, either change your privacy settings or clean up you myspace page!

* wonder what that is??????? *thinks* nothing comes.........*thinks harder* head is hurting.....................

*Please leave a message, after this beep.................................................BEEP!! lol
Well a good strategy to land jobs is to find message boards that surround the industry you want to work at.............and you know post like a maniac, like me!

*Blog it!~ hey don't we already do that, YAY, we're ahead!

*Connect Carefully! ~ 2smrt4u, yup thats what you should be, and be smart enough to not put you whole soul on the internet.........*like I did* *regrets*

Signing Off, rather Sick:

You KNOW you Love Me!
-E.VILLE's nickname is Lil'Wookie! HOORAY!

*Shmart*, Woey, and That IT(insane teachers)

OMG! Hi blog, it's been like a long, time since i've seen you.........oh yeah, hi readers! Guess what I did today, I actually read your blogs...........usually i just skim through, all of you are boring.............j/k!

About the Articles: Jacob's Cool Computer Program, Web-Search Woes, and The IT Factor

Can you actually believe that a 15 year old, is weird enough to think of donating old refurbish computers for the needy? Do the needy know how to use a computer? Me, don't know. This kid, Jacob Komer, has been writing computer programs at the age of 5, pssshhhh, I can do that! I think? And it's kind of funny of him quoting, " There's no substitute for the reaction on someone's face when you show them for the first time." LOL, do they move their mouse to the do I feel lucky? button, first?

I wonder which one your pathetic lives have some trouble navigating through cyberspace.
Show of hands? Lol

Class: Navigating through cyberspace 101

Okay let's see. Hmmm....if you want to look up some news about Tuba City,

1. go to a web search engine site, like google, yahoo, msn,, and etc.

2. type in either
-Tuba City, Arizona News
- News about Tuba City, Arizona
-Tuba City, Arizona, News
...etc, etc......

I think this is where you all messed up at, can't think of other words to put on the search engine!
I do that to...........

3. Go for the 1st-3rd pages of websites, but most of the time the first item is what you want...

Okay, see you y'all next class!

Hey all you peeps, who can't think, the'res a shortage of employees in the IT profession! So their you go, make money on the cyberspace! I didn't really know there was computer science, do we heal the computer to make it better? lol

Signing Off:

- E. Ville is so Shrmart, that she can put the hr and Shrmart!

Mom and Dad are hovering over me, Lights are Shining Bright, and No MOre Stressing on the SAT!!!

Parents, parents, their are always there for you....(Unless they have like 12 hour jobs, and you don't see them....but get spoiled because you make them regret it, lol)........

OMG!!! The Lights! The Cameras! the Action!! All the things I want are on, UTube, hurray!!

That's AwEsomness, Don't have to take the SAT or ACt to go to ASU!!! Another hip, hip hooray!

ABout the Articles: MOM is My Copilot, Lights! Camera! Action, and Passing on the Test

First article i read was MOM is My Copilot (and Alarm Clock, and Dinner Maker, and Driver, and....etc. lol), Well alot of parents are helping their kiddies these days on getting them college. Is it because they don't want them around anymore, because you made their life hectic for 18 years(or 19, or 20....). But I think it's Great for them to help, I mean who can know better than the parents from their past mistakes, and which colleges, have a lot of cool parties!!

Second Article I read was Lights! Camera! Action(The oh-so Burning Lights), Do I have the moneymaking face and that award-winnning smile to land me a job. Of course! I mean not everybody can get the looks I have, and of course I have a good fashion sense. lol! Instead of that old paper writing of an interview, try being the inner creative style, and Act on the Spotlights,(then put it on Utube, to get top votes!). The gave tips on this interview, but since all of you already read it, you can find it on your own.....

Third Article I read was, Passing on the Test,(By Being Real Good Friends at the Admin. Office, and Stealing the answers on the Test...) Can YOU Actually believe that I've been preparing for SAT and the ACT, and it all gone to waste........sad..............Well at least they are now getting the "picture" of you at school*coughs*stalkers!*coughs*!

Signing Off:

You Know You Love Me!

Biology: Birth, XXX, Birth, Death?

*Kitty Purrs* MEOW!....Hey People, so as Mr. Clennon told us about what's the meaning of life, it's all Birth, Sex, Birth, and Death. Interesting...............and ROCK N ROLL!
Sweet like candy to my soul
Sweet you rock,
And sweet you roll.........
(See Candra, I can rhyme!)

About the Article: Where Do I Go With Biology?

Have you ever thought of why you are life? Why can't we be not-living, like computer? Are computers even alive? These questions haunt the very core of my!

Well anyways, I'm thinking of becoming a Environment Lawyer and save the Suicidal Bunnies!(refer to chocolate psychos blog). How very sad to see bunnies becoming roadkill on the side of the road, because some careless psycho*coughs*Candra*coughs* doesn't look where he/she is going.

When I went to camp last summer, I met a Enrivonmentalist Lawyer, who was also a Actor(starred in a awesome independent film zombie movie), and he can of my role model to go into this career. Maybe I'll become a Actress too, because Hey I bring the I in Acting :D

Signing Off:


- E.Ville Loves "When I Was A Teenage Zombie" marathon.....

Besides, I've got such good fashion sense

Jessica Hwa, just ripped my name for my fashion company. *Stares and sends daggers her way*. Loyale, that was so going to be my fashion line, hahahahaha, j/k I think I'll name it Nazhonni' Fate? Beautiful Fate! Now that will be an awesome name!

About the article: Ecology by Design

I can see the future newspapers headlines now: RECYCLED TRASH CAN KEEP YOU WARM, WITH ECO-CLOTHES! BUY THEM TODAY!

This girl name Jenny Hwa, decided to make her own fashion line of earth-friendly(do they buy their friendship?) clothes. Her company has an awesome name, called Loyale. Very simple, it says alot! I wonder if earth-friendly clothes looked good? Maybe and maybe not? Maybe I'll set a new fashion trend of wearing a newspaper dress with milk cartons for shoes. CREATIVE THOUGHT FOR NEED OF FUTURE

Signing Off:

You Know You Love Me,

-E.VILLE Is Totally In Love with Chace Crawford!

Creative? Me? Are You Sure You Don't Mean Un-Organized or Messy?

I'm trying to think outside the box. But which box? I can't really tell, there's so many of them. And not to mention these chocolate logs, dancing in my head. lol!

About the Article: Creative? You? Yes!

I am so a Power-thinking SUPERSTAR!! I think creative all the time. But don't worry about yourself, after reading the article, I found out that everyone is Creative. Yay! I thought I was like the only one!

Some Myths*that are partly true*

*Creative is found only in the arts
-Well duh! Everything is ART!!

*Only geniuses are creative
-Of course that's true, NOT! Even if I thought I was special, because of it. *tear*

* Being Creative won't improve you life
-My creativeness did improve my life for heaven to hell.

* Creative output comes as an "aha!" moment.
-Not true, but I think it works for me*after I drink about 10 cups of coffee, pace up and down my hallway, and bang my head on the wall until that aha! moment comes*

*Creative people are loners....
- Kind of true for me, but I do get inspiration from my creative friends, Amanda, Lana*My-La-La*, Lionelle, and Candra. They're funny personalities, are some of my characters in my stories and in my drawings. Love You For it! My sister is also very creative, and helps me with my creative inner self, by improving my drawings and other stuff.

Signing Off:

You KNOW You Love (My Inner Crazy Creative Self) Me


MAJOR-ly going to get a job as a Puppeter :D

I can see it now, my hand cover with a puppet on SESAME STREET!! *v* I hope I get to be elmo!! or cookie monster!! *v*

About the article: Major-ly Unique

You can get any degree these days, like bagpiping, puppetry, and popular culture. How awesome is that! I'm think I should get a degree in like......Engimatology (big fancy word for the study of puzzles)....I'm good with puzzles and stuff, but it kind of gets boring. Maybe I'll create a singualar major called: of loving the dead people? :) That will be an awesome major!! Watching Corspe Bride and reading Edgar Allen Poe poems :D

Signing Off:

You Know You Love (dead) Me

-E.Ville is off to a bus drill!

C.O.D: CoCo-Cola on Deathbed,(When Pepsi Came to Be)

After reading some of your comments,it had got me thinking of 'ORGANIZING MY THOUGHTS'. Yup, that's going be a tough one, but since you're not inside my head, I'll have to put my thoughts in a alphabetical order, :D. Or do you want me to put in a categorical order? Comment back on that.

About the Article: C.O.D-Careers on Delivery
If you have the chance, don't read it. Boring! And Not really my kind of career. Who wants to work in a Post Office? They get their salary with no benefits1 And you have to wear that weird looking uniform. Also you're the number one target, of getting beat up by the dogs. Wait! That sound a bit fun, try out my cool ninja reflexes. :D


Signing Off:

You Know You Love Me
-E.Ville Feels Like Going to T.G.I. Fridays :D YUM!!!

face-to-face on the corner of broadway!

Job Interviews, you can never get away from them. And what more, theres now different types of interview, instead just the old nice traditional interview. There's the technological interview; IMs, e-mails, or phone. Panel interview; YIKES!! Just don't go!! Working interview; Show how you work with no pay! Stress Interview; Hmmm......Have a sense of humor, and be able to be sarcastic also! and Behavorial/Situational Interview; Instead of telling it to them, act it out!! :D

My life a bit boring, but yesterday gossip girl showed, and it was AWESOME!!!

Signing Off:

You Know You Love Me

- E.Ville feels a bit sarcastic today :D

P.S visit my awesome role-playing website: Blackhills Academy Ciao!

The End of My Map has, a rope and whip cream on the middle of the Road...

Mapmaking, a dying profession. Hmm.....I wonder why? Is it dangerous to make a map? Like some kind of accident happens to them while on the job? These questions haunt me...LOL... Mapmaking now has been made into a faster and more pricisely, than ever before. Why? Because of technology. Yeah I know this because, it was written in Career World, title: Mapping Your Future"
Some dude name Gregory Plumb, quote:'This is a hot career choice for the 21st Century'. Maybe it is? But I always thought map-making kind of a dull job. I want like a veeeerrrrryyyyy exciting career!!! Full of action-flicks and stuff! :)

But my fall back, will be mapmaking, maybe..... Unless I land a super cool job of being a liar(lawyer)


Signing Off:

You Know You Love Me

- E.Ville can't wait until Tonight for Gossip Girl to premiere!

Are you Smarter than a Fifth Grader?

Rappping in class??? How is that creative?? All you are doing is just talking fasst!! Yeah read this article today about this male african-american fifth grade teacher rapping in class. They interview him about the ups and downs of being a teacher. After I read it, guess it's not that easy. You actually have to be ORGANIZED!!! Guess that's an X out for my future teaching properties....
Some requirements to teach is a bachelor's degree in edu., a state liscene(Just to make sure you're not a phycotic killer), and sometimes a master's degree. Some much school, even if you are teaching!
Average starting salary is: 31,704
That's not alot, and I love money. So I'm going to be a Lawyer!! or Actress!! or Writer!! or Politaticion!! or a ROCK STAR!!

Okay, yeah comment on this!!

Signing off:

X to the O

- The E.Ville marks X to teaching...

Reading in Da' Writing in this Class

Okay, today we had a reading assignment. We read from a magazine called CareerWorld. It's alright, it kind of reminds me of when we used to get those scholastic news, back in junior high. Ahh...Good times.

One article that was very interesting to me was, titled "A Fine Mess" . It was about be neat, you're a freak. *(That rhymes!)* :) So yeah, it said that messes save time, fuels creativity, and is good for business. I wonder if I show my mom this article. She won't make me have to clean my room that often...???

Another article that interest me is, "Early Bird, Loses Worm" It talked about some of the biggest universities, are no longer accepting early decision applications. I think it's all right, since then I won't be alllllllll stress out, when I get into my Senior Year.....

The French Left, last weekend. Kind of miss them. We learn a whole lot of awesome stuff. Like photoshop, macromedia, and video editing. Best five weeks of class.

Signing off:

X to the O

-E. Ville, misses the French....


Fabolous Not Scandolous

Hey Blog!

So let's recap what happen last week. We did alot on photoshop, it was alright. Nothing really special happen over the week, kind of your average week. The French helped alot, directing the class, helping us lost students, and that such.
It seems a bit hot in here though. Or cooler? Can't really tell.

So my life is a complete fiasco, someones cursing us to heck(dad's side), we're cursing people to heck(my mom's side), and I'm just trying to get through the day...................

Sat: Went to the corn fields, and became a crazed farmer. Fell asleep in the sunflower patch. Stupid truck, didn't start and my uncle took us all back to Tuba City.

Sun: Went to Flagstaff, and became a crazed shopper and carnival rider. The Coconino County Fair, was on, as went their to ride the rides!! Yay!! Then became a crazed shopper :)

Mon: Went back to the corn fields, fix the vehicle, dance in the rain. Singing"I'm Dancing in the rain..." Feel asleep at home, and didn't wake up until morning. Some 13 hour sleep. It was gooooooddddd......................:)

Signing Off:

XxXSleep Little E.Ville, SleepXxX

-I have Skittles in My Mouth, Wanna Taste the Rainbow?

Snakes On A Plane

XxXNocturnal Royale*B Rules Us AllXxX +P

Monday, we learned how to make images in a some 3-D form, which probably will have to work on again .
Tuesday, did this awesome thing on my name, just kidding, my nickname. Yup, very special name!! +)
FX, Matt, and Alix, are very helpful. Since I seem to drift off in class, they help.
Monday, had a fire evacuation, on our lunch time, which kind of sucked. In our schedule was too messed up.

Today, don't know what we are doing beside writing this blog....

Signing Off:

XxXE.Ville's New Way of Torture is ChocolateXxX
- Suburban Punks on a Sugar High

XxXHead Injuries are a MustXxX

What a weekend, I had....

Saturday: Went to my paternal grandmother's home, and harvested some summer squash, and corn. Sat in the sunflower patch, and thought how much I screwed up my life already. Wished that I drove the ATV, but my Aunt had it. Skulk, because my favorite band, Head Automatica was playing a concert in Flagstaff, for FREE!!!!!

Sunday: Slept late, and thought of missing the biggest band I like. Read all my library books, finished my homework. Played the guitar, surfed the net for like 4 hours. Thought again how my life is screwed up. Banged my head in the wall for awhile, but gotten a massive headache. Celebrated my Aunt's 30th birthday, and that was about it. Oh yeah, a baby(my ugly cousin's baby) was crying his little brains out...............I'm going insane....

Signing Off:

XxXE. Ville is intoxicated with Motrin, and Fake SmilesXxX

- Blue, Screwed, and Tattooed!

We could lose ourselves and paint those walls in pitchfork red


Guess I forgot to clue you in about what happen Friday, what can I say, it was interesting. I left my second hour like everyone else, said goodbye to my friends, and journeyed from the inside jungle, to the outside jungle. Sat in the back of the bus with Candra. What sweet bliss, to go over the bumps, and almost fall off my chair. You can laugh now.

We've go to the flea-market with the passer-bys looking at us strangley. Funny, I thought I'll just act like a tourist. We went our different ways when we got off the bus. Candra, Krystie, and I walked around, being the ditcher from school. I bought very good kettle corn, and a very big tamale. We walked around, being the money-saving indians, and found 50 cent, sodapop. We ate, laughed, and went back on the bus at 12:15 pm.

We went to the trading post,where the new museum is located. Went in, saw a movie of the navajo creation story, then they split us into groups. Me, Candra, Krystie, Sheep a.k.a Gerald, Derrick, the french dudes; FX, Alix, and Matt, and some one else, (i think?)... We went to see a 45 minute show about the code talkers, learned alot. Then went and saw the rest of the muesuem.
hat was cool, there was a hogan inside, and sand! Candra and I, played like little kids in the sand. After everybody was done looking, went to the Trading Post, and bought some soda. Got back to school, and waited for my mum.

Sat.: Squaw Dance....utter boredness

Sun.: stayed home and try to finish my homework.

Mon.: Wrote some stuff about the sacred number four in the navajo culture. FX and Matt played guitar and sang, at lunch time. It was awesome, wish that I had more time to practice, then I could of done it.... They played Hysteria by Muse, which was AWEsome, give them a 20 out of 10, for their performance.

Now Today, Did some awesome pics on Adobe Photoshop.....

Signing Off:

XxXAll These Things E.Ville Hates (Revolve Around Me)XxX

-Its Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door

We could lose ourselves and paint those walls in pitchfork red


Guess I forgot to clue you in about what happen Friday, what can I say, it was interesting. I left my second hour like everyone else, said goodbye to my friends, and journeyed from the inside jungle, to the outside jungle. Sat in the back of the bus with Candra. What sweet bliss, to go over the bumps, and almost fall off my chair. You can laugh now.

We've go to the flea-market with the passer-bys looking at us strangley. Funny, I thought I'll just act like a tourist. We went our different ways when we got off the bus. Candra, Krystie, and I walked around, being the ditcher from school. I bought very good kettle corn, and a very big tamale. We walked around, being the money-saving indians, and found 50 cent, sodapop. We ate, laughed, and went back on the bus at 12:15 pm.

We went to the trading post,where the new museum is located. Went in, saw a movie of the navajo creation story, then they split us into groups. Me, Candra, Krystie, Sheep a.k.a Gerald, Derrick, the french dudes; FX, Alix, and Matt, and some one else, (i think?)... We went to see a 45 minute show about the code talkers, learned alot. Then went and saw the rest of the muesuem.
hat was cool, there was a hogan inside, and sand! Candra and I, played like little kids in the sand. After everybody was done looking, went to the Trading Post, and bought some soda. Got back to school, and waited for my mum.

Sat.: Squaw Dance....utter boredness

Sun.: stayed home and try to finish my homework.

Mon.: Wrote some stuff about the sacred number four in the navajo culture. FX and Matt played guitar and sang, at lunch time. It was awesome, wish that I had more time to practice, then I could of done it.... They played Hysteria by Muse, which was AWEsome, give them a 20 out of 10, for their performance.

Now Today, Did some awesome pics on Adobe Photoshop.....

Signing Off:

XxXAll These Things E.Ville Hates (Revolve Around Me)XxX

-Its Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door

Your Worst Nightmare, Is My Best Dream

Hello again blog, and all who read it. I think that 2 days is far enough for me to not write on here. I guess I'm getting addicted to blogging. Oh blog, how are you the power to make me addicted? Guess life is not that simple. As I seem to still be asleep, don't mind the utter nonsense I'm writing. Maybe when I get home, I'll go back to sleep, and stay up all night-dancing in the dark.

How is your worst nightmare, my best dream? It's simple, I dream of dreaming. I always wanted a nightmare, but I'm out of luck. Never had a nightmare, not me. Unless the things I do dream about are nightmares. I can't tell the difference, can you? Maybe I'll see one of them these days.

Signing Off:

XxXE.Ville Never Look This GoodXxX

- Think sad wait happy thoughts, please. Like knowing that your not part of them anymore.

a LiViNg DaNcE uPoN mInDs

August 17,2007
Day 5

Amanda was a bit jumpy today...She must be on coke*coke-a-cola, duh!* She was so HAPPY, that are never seen before, yet. *refer to the icon*. As always, I'm happy, when my friends are happy.

Web Design, learned more about Now I can look at all your blogs, just on one page. *claps hands together and yells:* YAY ME!!!

oday for lunch, I'm eating at the native-wall-mart a.k.a the flea-market. Why do the call it a flea market? Is there some colony of fleas there, eww.

Signing Off:

XxXThis is E.Ville done knowinglyXxX

- The lawyers tell me that there are no prohibition. Against robots making life or death decisions

P.S: I have a new blog, just go to my profile and click on the other blog. Or Click Here!

Send You Roses, When They Think You Need to Smile

Roses! Roses! SPEAK!
The ANGELS Come To Fly!
And Now Have To DIE!
(How Sad...)

How to SMILE? They should write a how about that. Maybe they had? I don't really know, actually. I wonder how that will be like, to actually smile, instead of seeing those fake ones. If you take my biology class, you would know that the teacher is a bit coo-koo. But maybe I just think of eveyone like that already. EVERYBODY'S COO-KOO! Even me, LOL. Hey I think I just smile. I should go look in a mirror and see.
Now on today, let's see, all we did in this first hour is blog and go to this website: netvibes. I now have my own netvibes,*is there hives in there? with bees!?!?!?!* Tomorrow we're going to ditch 3rd and 4th hour for the native-wallmart and to go to the new navajo interactive muesuem. Should be interesting, I guess.

SiGnInG oFf:

XxXHow E.Ville are You?XxX

- Welcome to the Whispers of My Dream

Pestis eram vivus-moriens tua mors ero

Yatta, Yatta, Yah. What does it mean? Me just very delusional, as in my sister in the morning...wait she always is...*she quotes: SHWEET* Hey guess what, I'll give someone a buck, if they can tell me what the titles means.....any takers? So I shall recite a poem, that was thought up by my buddies at camp and me!

I had a SHOE
It was BLUE
I put it on
Then I FLEW!
BETTER THAN YOURS!!!....HAHAHAHAHAHA....*starts coughing up clouds*

- Your fantasy is my reality... *sweet halo*

XxXE.Ville killed the LocalsXxX

Cute without the E (Cut from the Team)

August 15, 2007
Day Three

Writing, Writing. That's all I do... Seems to be the only thing I'm good at, (I hope). So yes, class today, mostly on this blog, fixing it and adding stuff to my profile. Did you see my picture of gorgeous Pete Wentz, looking like a vampire. Awesome isn't it? So Yes, waiting for that stupid to work, still loading after, what, like an hour, now? It's already almost time to go to second hour, and still wish that I have this class for the whole day, instead of an hour and a half. When I look around, I just see most of the people, not caring, a bit. Oh well, they are going to read this...Saying my apologies now, but I may have the potential to diss people, without my noticing. Signing off, Ciao:

XxXMisery Loves E.VilleXxX

-If You Could be my Garage Band King, I'll Be Your Punk Rock Princess

We are Nowhere, and It's Now

Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Day Number Two

It's kinda of weird writing in a blog, so that millions of people, can know what I'm thinking. Guess I should say hello, and how are you,(in my mind)? So yes day number two. Kind of like yesterday, except we finished the presentations. Also FX, Alix, and Matt, showed our class about,(first entry), and Picnik, I found out is like Adobe Photoshop,(wow! now i can stop begging my parents to buy me the new version...) Not much else happen in my first period, except that. Bright Eyes, now that's a good band to listen to. You should listen to it, if you need inspiration. That's what I do. Signing off, as:

XxXE.Ville-ly Addicted to the NetXxX

-Broken Knuckles, Broken Heart. I Fell In Love, Then Fell Apart

P.S: As you should know now, I'm not that very good at giving info. And I forgot to say that this whole blog thing, is an assignment for my Web Design class, where we are hosting 3 french people from Paris,France. Everybody has to write a blog a day,(cool isn't it? To me it is...)

P.S.S: The titles don't necessary mean anything about the blog. Just what I was thinking about that time, either a song or a saying I've heard, (maybe sometimes random thoughts)

P.S.S.S: Deleted my old blog, that's why the dates are all messed up!

Down in A Rabbit Hole

Monday, August, 13, 2007
Day Number One

Today is day number one that the aliens are here. Just Kidding, there not aliens, but from a country across the Atlantic Ocean. They're from France. More specifically, from Paris, the City Of Lights. There's three of them, FX, Alix, and Matt. There's also their instructor,Lorenza. They have that accent, but can still speak English very good. Today was only a day of introductions. FX, Alix, and Malt, spoke first. There in their third year of college, I think, and go to college in Paris, France. They barely came here to the U.S.A, Saturday. Some students, Ms. Yazzie, and I toured them around Tuba City, yesterday. Showed them Coalmine Canyon, the Dinosaur Tracks, and the Petroglyphs. Them seem interested in it. We,(as the Greyhills students) did Powerpoints. Mine was alright, except for the music was bit too loud at the beginning.

-These Black & White pictures are moving so slowly in my mind. I think I'm going insane

XxXThe E.Ville Black NightmareXxX