Three Blogs, Who AreJust Dying To Be Written

Ello' peers that I love so much, that you actually read all the things that are in my mind!
So yeah, haven't written alot, and I'm like 3 blogs, behind pg. 26 so i'm going to try and write a not of it all, kay!

First Blog, Article: Building Pages
my personal title: Keeping it FRESH 24/7

Well, the news we get is so not new, (well except for us) to the people who give us the new news. does that make sense?? Their called: W-E-B P-R-O-D-U-C-E-R-S, (I feel very spelly Yeah it's a great job, if you like staring at a screen all day, and your only friends are people on the internet, j/k... But yeah, I think I want to become a 'tech geek who works 24-7 in a dark, windowless room'........or i can do New York City :) and a average salary of 30,000-90,000, excellent!

Second Blog, Article: Remote Access
my personal title: Proceed With Caution

Ahh...the many reasons why we should become a at home..........and you get to use a have a laptop! people to bother you.......did i mention, the blackberry??? :)

So yes, I know it's kind of weird but "some people" think that this job is not for everyone, like for example, young people...the office is "the place to get their social itch, scratched".........Sounds contagious, So some advice: WORK AT HOME!!

And.......(drum roll please) The Third Blog Entry, Article: E-Learning; The Anytime, Anywhere Option
my Personal title: OMG! WE HAD OPTIONS!!! OMG!

I actually never knew we had the option of going to school virtually.....amazing!......So yeah e-classes fall into two Categories:

* Synchronous classes- allow the instructor and student to see each other at a pre-arranged time and do some chatting in a chat room or a streaming video...sounds sexy............(lol, wish I saw your face right there.......mine was {o_0 OMG!})

* Asynchronous classes-allow you to go to school anytime, anywhere.....even my nocturnal ways won't be

So is e-learning for you??? me, i don't really think so........since it's my friends that I come to school for anyway.........*coughs* and beat T.T.*coughs*..........hmmmmm....I must be catching something......

Yeah I'm sorry I didn't had time to do today's assignments......but I'll think I'll write one yup tonight, using stone paper-if they still make it.......

Signing Off:

You Know You Love 'The Nocturnal Attitude' Me!

-E.Ville feeling a bit depressed.......

P.S. : So Yeah, friends of mine out there.............make me I won't be this sad........