XxXNocturnal Royale*B Rules Us AllXxX +P
Monday, we learned how to make images in a some 3-D form, which probably will have to work on again .
Tuesday, did this awesome thing on my name, just kidding, my nickname. Yup, very special name!! +)
FX, Matt, and Alix, are very helpful. Since I seem to drift off in class, they help.
Monday, had a fire evacuation, on our lunch time, which kind of sucked. In our schedule was too messed up.
Today, don't know what we are doing beside writing this blog....
Signing Off:
- Suburban Punks on a Sugar High
Posted by
7:18 AM
XxXHead Injuries are a MustXxX
What a weekend, I had....
Saturday: Went to my paternal grandmother's home, and harvested some summer squash, and corn. Sat in the sunflower patch, and thought how much I screwed up my life already. Wished that I drove the ATV, but my Aunt had it. Skulk, because my favorite band, Head Automatica was playing a concert in Flagstaff, for FREE!!!!!
Sunday: Slept late, and thought of missing the biggest band I like. Read all my library books, finished my homework. Played the guitar, surfed the net for like 4 hours. Thought again how my life is screwed up. Banged my head in the wall for awhile, but gotten a massive headache. Celebrated my Aunt's 30th birthday, and that was about it. Oh yeah, a baby(my ugly cousin's baby) was crying his little brains out...............I'm going insane....
Signing Off:
- Blue, Screwed, and Tattooed!
Posted by
7:10 AM
We could lose ourselves and paint those walls in pitchfork red
Guess I forgot to clue you in about what happen Friday, what can I say, it was interesting. I left my second hour like everyone else, said goodbye to my friends, and journeyed from the inside jungle, to the outside jungle. Sat in the back of the bus with Candra. What sweet bliss, to go over the bumps, and almost fall off my chair. You can laugh now.
We've go to the flea-market with the passer-bys looking at us strangley. Funny, I thought I'll just act like a tourist. We went our different ways when we got off the bus. Candra, Krystie, and I walked around, being the ditcher from school. I bought very good kettle corn, and a very big tamale. We walked around, being the money-saving indians, and found 50 cent, sodapop. We ate, laughed, and went back on the bus at 12:15 pm.
We went to the trading post,where the new museum is located. Went in, saw a movie of the navajo creation story, then they split us into groups. Me, Candra, Krystie, Sheep a.k.a Gerald, Derrick, the french dudes; FX, Alix, and Matt, and some one else, (i think?)... We went to see a 45 minute show about the code talkers, learned alot. Then went and saw the rest of the muesuem.
hat was cool, there was a hogan inside, and sand! Candra and I, played like little kids in the sand. After everybody was done looking, went to the Trading Post, and bought some soda. Got back to school, and waited for my mum.
Sat.: Squaw Dance....utter boredness
Sun.: stayed home and try to finish my homework.
Mon.: Wrote some stuff about the sacred number four in the navajo culture. FX and Matt played guitar and sang, at lunch time. It was awesome, wish that I had more time to practice, then I could of done it.... They played Hysteria by Muse, which was AWEsome, give them a 20 out of 10, for their performance.
Now Today, Did some awesome pics on Adobe Photoshop.....
Signing Off:
-Its Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door
Posted by
1:21 PM
We could lose ourselves and paint those walls in pitchfork red
Guess I forgot to clue you in about what happen Friday, what can I say, it was interesting. I left my second hour like everyone else, said goodbye to my friends, and journeyed from the inside jungle, to the outside jungle. Sat in the back of the bus with Candra. What sweet bliss, to go over the bumps, and almost fall off my chair. You can laugh now.
We've go to the flea-market with the passer-bys looking at us strangley. Funny, I thought I'll just act like a tourist. We went our different ways when we got off the bus. Candra, Krystie, and I walked around, being the ditcher from school. I bought very good kettle corn, and a very big tamale. We walked around, being the money-saving indians, and found 50 cent, sodapop. We ate, laughed, and went back on the bus at 12:15 pm.
We went to the trading post,where the new museum is located. Went in, saw a movie of the navajo creation story, then they split us into groups. Me, Candra, Krystie, Sheep a.k.a Gerald, Derrick, the french dudes; FX, Alix, and Matt, and some one else, (i think?)... We went to see a 45 minute show about the code talkers, learned alot. Then went and saw the rest of the muesuem.
hat was cool, there was a hogan inside, and sand! Candra and I, played like little kids in the sand. After everybody was done looking, went to the Trading Post, and bought some soda. Got back to school, and waited for my mum.
Sat.: Squaw Dance....utter boredness
Sun.: stayed home and try to finish my homework.
Mon.: Wrote some stuff about the sacred number four in the navajo culture. FX and Matt played guitar and sang, at lunch time. It was awesome, wish that I had more time to practice, then I could of done it.... They played Hysteria by Muse, which was AWEsome, give them a 20 out of 10, for their performance.
Now Today, Did some awesome pics on Adobe Photoshop.....
Signing Off:
XxXAll These Things E.Ville Hates (Revolve Around Me)XxX
-Its Dangerous Business Walking Out Your Front Door
Posted by
1:21 PM
Your Worst Nightmare, Is My Best Dream
Hello again blog, and all who read it. I think that 2 days is far enough for me to not write on here. I guess I'm getting addicted to blogging. Oh blog, how are you the power to make me addicted? Guess life is not that simple. As I seem to still be asleep, don't mind the utter nonsense I'm writing. Maybe when I get home, I'll go back to sleep, and stay up all night-dancing in the dark.
How is your worst nightmare, my best dream? It's simple, I dream of dreaming. I always wanted a nightmare, but I'm out of luck. Never had a nightmare, not me. Unless the things I do dream about are nightmares. I can't tell the difference, can you? Maybe I'll see one of them these days.
Signing Off:
- Think sad wait happy thoughts, please. Like knowing that your not part of them anymore.
Posted by
7:35 AM
Labels: dreams
a LiViNg DaNcE uPoN mInDs
August 17,2007
Day 5
Amanda was a bit jumpy today...She must be on coke*coke-a-cola, duh!* She was so HAPPY, that are never seen before, yet. *refer to the icon*. As always, I'm happy, when my friends are happy.
Web Design, learned more about Now I can look at all your blogs, just on one page. *claps hands together and yells:* YAY ME!!!
Today for lunch, I'm eating at the native-wall-mart a.k.a the flea-market. Why do the call it a flea market? Is there some colony of fleas there, eww.
Signing Off:
- The lawyers tell me that there are no prohibition. Against robots making life or death decisions
Posted by
7:02 AM
Send You Roses, When They Think You Need to Smile
Roses! Roses! SPEAK!
The ANGELS Come To Fly!
And Now Have To DIE!
(How Sad...)
How to SMILE? They should write a how about that. Maybe they had? I don't really know, actually. I wonder how that will be like, to actually smile, instead of seeing those fake ones. If you take my biology class, you would know that the teacher is a bit coo-koo. But maybe I just think of eveyone like that already. EVERYBODY'S COO-KOO! Even me, LOL. Hey I think I just smile. I should go look in a mirror and see.
Now on today, let's see, all we did in this first hour is blog and go to this website: netvibes. I now have my own netvibes,*is there hives in there? with bees!?!?!?!* Tomorrow we're going to ditch 3rd and 4th hour for the native-wallmart and to go to the new navajo interactive muesuem. Should be interesting, I guess.
SiGnInG oFf:
XxXHow E.Ville are You?XxX
- Welcome to the Whispers of My Dream
Posted by
10:47 AM
Labels: smile
Pestis eram vivus-moriens tua mors ero
Yatta, Yatta, Yah. What does it mean? Me just very delusional, as in my sister in the morning...wait she always is...*she quotes: SHWEET* Hey guess what, I'll give someone a buck, if they can tell me what the titles means.....any takers? So I shall recite a poem, that was thought up by my buddies at camp and me!
I had a SHOE
It was BLUE
I put it on
Then I FLEW!
BETTER THAN YOURS!!!....HAHAHAHAHAHA....*starts coughing up clouds*
XxXE.Ville killed the LocalsXxX
Posted by
8:37 PM
Cute without the E (Cut from the Team)
August 15, 2007
Day Three
Writing, Writing. That's all I do... Seems to be the only thing I'm good at, (I hope). So yes, class today, mostly on this blog, fixing it and adding stuff to my profile. Did you see my picture of gorgeous Pete Wentz, looking like a vampire. Awesome isn't it? So Yes, waiting for that stupid to work, still loading after, what, like an hour, now? It's already almost time to go to second hour, and still wish that I have this class for the whole day, instead of an hour and a half. When I look around, I just see most of the people, not caring, a bit. Oh well, they are going to read this...Saying my apologies now, but I may have the potential to diss people, without my noticing. Signing off, Ciao:
-If You Could be my Garage Band King, I'll Be Your Punk Rock Princess
Posted by
8:17 AM
Labels: waiting
We are Nowhere, and It's Now
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Day Number Two
It's kinda of weird writing in a blog, so that millions of people, can know what I'm thinking. Guess I should say hello, and how are you,(in my mind)? So yes day number two. Kind of like yesterday, except we finished the presentations. Also FX, Alix, and Matt, showed our class about,(first entry), and Picnik, I found out is like Adobe Photoshop,(wow! now i can stop begging my parents to buy me the new version...) Not much else happen in my first period, except that. Bright Eyes, now that's a good band to listen to. You should listen to it, if you need inspiration. That's what I do. Signing off, as:
-Broken Knuckles, Broken Heart. I Fell In Love, Then Fell Apart
P.S: As you should know now, I'm not that very good at giving info. And I forgot to say that this whole blog thing, is an assignment for my Web Design class, where we are hosting 3 french people from Paris,France. Everybody has to write a blog a day,(cool isn't it? To me it is...)
P.S.S: The titles don't necessary mean anything about the blog. Just what I was thinking about that time, either a song or a saying I've heard, (maybe sometimes random thoughts)
P.S.S.S: Deleted my old blog, that's why the dates are all messed up!
Posted by
7:44 AM
Down in A Rabbit Hole
Monday, August, 13, 2007
Day Number One
Today is day number one that the aliens are here. Just Kidding, there not aliens, but from a country across the Atlantic Ocean. They're from France. More specifically, from Paris, the City Of Lights. There's three of them, FX, Alix, and Matt. There's also their instructor,Lorenza. They have that accent, but can still speak English very good. Today was only a day of introductions. FX, Alix, and Malt, spoke first. There in their third year of college, I think, and go to college in Paris, France. They barely came here to the U.S.A, Saturday. Some students, Ms. Yazzie, and I toured them around Tuba City, yesterday. Showed them Coalmine Canyon, the Dinosaur Tracks, and the Petroglyphs. Them seem interested in it. We,(as the Greyhills students) did Powerpoints. Mine was alright, except for the music was bit too loud at the beginning.
XxXThe E.Ville Black NightmareXxX
Posted by
7:41 AM